Episode 187 - Talking Donnie Yen


We bring you an exclusive interview with Sifu James Banks, who grew up with Donnie Yen and trained with his mother, Bow-sim Mark.

Talking Donnie Yen - Episode 187

Donnie Yen Bow Sim Mark

Donnie Yen Bow Sim Mark

How often do you meet someone who not only has met, but friended and trained with one of the most legendary martial artists of the modern era? That's what today's show is all about. Sifu James Banks talks about his childhood friend and offers some insight into why he's become the amazing martial arts action star he is today.

We bring you an exclusive interview with Sifu James Banks, who grew up with Donnie Yen and trained with his mother, Bow-sim Mark. Talking Donnie Yen - Episode 187 How often do you meet someone who not only has met, but friended and trained with one of the most legendary martial artists of the modern era?

You should check out our profile episode of Donnie Yen for more history and context. 


Episode 188 - Mr. Tristan Creeley


Episode 186 - Mr. Iain Abernethy