Episode 465 - Taking Your Martial Arts Out Into Nature


In this episode, Jeremy talks about how meditation helps you reset and taking your martial arts out into nature.

Taking Your Martial Arts Out Into Nature - Episode 465

Most of the time, we spend our days dealing with distractions in life such as our 9-5 jobs or even our personal life. How can meditation be our constant companion to battle these distractions? In this episode, Jeremy talks about his experience of going into the woods as meditation as well as taking your martial arts out into nature. Listen to find out more!

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how meditation helps you reset and taking your martial arts out into nature. Taking Your Martial Arts Out Into Nature - Episode 465 Most of the time, we spend our days dealing with distractions in life such as our 9-5 jobs or even our personal life.

Show Transcript

You can read the transcript below or download it here.Jeremy Lesniak:Some of us don’t consciously implement meditation based on my experience but I think it's incredibly valuable. We spend so much time around lots of people, lots of technology and noise and stimulus that to get outside and have less of that, whether that means you're hiking a mountain or just going for a walk, I think that’s pretty important.The ability to observe and to know where you're at, to understand yourself, your body, your mind; you need that contrast to deal with. The contrast between loud and quiet or busy and calm, awake and asleep and so, for me, getting out in the woods is a bit of hitting that reset button and to know who am I when I'm not sitting at a desk or doing a show, when I'm not training. I find it helpful and sometimes, when I'm at the top of the mountain and just taking a break, sometimes I'm doing techniques. Maybe a punch or a kick or I find a tree that’s nearly fallen down and it's going to go any minute because it looks like it, I'm going to kick it over. I don’t generally do that because you're not supposed to mess with nature on these trails, you're supposed to leave everything be but I’ll admit it, once in a while, I punch and kick things.How do you take your martial arts out into the world especially the natural world? I’d love to hear it. You can comment below. If you're listening to the podcast, you can go to whistlekickmartialartsradio.com, leave a comment there. I don’t know what episode this is. You'll probably know. You can leave some comment on social media. You can write to us. You can email me, jeremy@whistlekick.com.So, I'm going to sign off and I hope that, if nothing else, this subject inspires you to consider how your martial arts relates to your broader life. This is going to come out after the episode that I recorded a couple days ago about the idea of a martial arts lifestyle and this is an example of my martial arts lifestyle. I hope you have a good day. Until next time, train hard, smile and have a great day! Bye! 


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